According to the Center for American Progress, an estimated 20-30% of gay and transgender people battle a substance use disorder. For the general population, it’s 9%. Due to the sheer amount of LGBTQ+ people needing specific-population addiction treatment, the Gateway Foundation announces the opening of its ‘Out in Recovery’ residential program on National Coming Out Day (October 11, 2019). Out in Recovery is one of the country’s only LGBTQ substance use disorder programs. “Many LGBTQ+ persons seeking help for a range of health issues have unfortunately encountered bias, discrimination, and stigma in other healthcare settings,” says Karen Wolownik Albert, Executive Director of Gateway Foundation Lake County Services. “The Gateway Foundation is experienced in serving the LGBTQ+ population and in providing a safe, inclusive treatment milieu for patients to explore, understand and be their true selves.” The program also provides therapeutic support for those working through co-occurring disorders (such as anxiety, depression, bi-polar, etc), trauma, and other unique needs of the LGBTQ+ population.