Dr. Brad is creator of The Emotion Code®, an energy healing modality that allows people to identify and release “Trapped Emotions,” negative feelings that can persist years after difficult and traumatic life experiences. As people now grapple with emotions such as fear and worry, there are things they can do to protect their emotional health.
“Being emotionally healthy doesn’t mean you’re always happy. What it does mean is that you’re aware of your emotions — positive or negative — and that you are able to deal with them,” Dr. Brad says. “You might feel angry, stressed out, or sad from time to time, but you know how to manage your emotions and recognize when you might need a little help sorting them out.”
Some of Dr. Brad’s tips to build emotional healing include:
Stay Socially Connected – Isolating yourself could make emotional healing more difficult. Everyone needs alone time, but when you’re consistently isolated, it could make you more prone to feeling depressed or stressed. Be sure you stay emotionally connected to people in meaningful ways (beyond scrolling through social media). Say hi to strangers, schedule lunch with a friend, shoot the breeze with coworkers, and — of course — call your mom. Even at times when it’s not possible to be together in person, use technology and good old-fashioned phone calls to connect with people and have real conversations.
Express Your Feelings – Keeping sadness, anger, or worry inside can really stress you out. Let people know when something is bothering you. Find someone to talk to when you need to vent. Be mindful of how you do it, but letting your feelings out in appropriate ways — like an honest but tactful conversation — can go a long way toward emotional healing.
Practice Emotional Energy Healing – The Emotion Code® can help you with emotional healing by resolving negative energies from the past that could be trapped inside you. Trapped Emotions are literal, physical energies that may become lodged in any part of the body, and they could lead to emotional and physical distress. In a few simple steps, you could regularly clear out those energies and work toward emotional healing.
“If you’re healthy emotionally, you’ll likely have better control over your feelings, thoughts, and actions, which can help you in your career and relationships,” Dr. Brad says. “Practicing emotional healing and taking care of your emotional health is a great way to ensure you can bounce back when things go wrong.”
About Dr. Bradley Nelson: Veteran holistic physician Dr. Bradley Nelson (D.C., ret) is one of the world’s foremost experts on natural methods of achieving wellness. He has trained thousands of certified practitioners worldwide to help people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional baggage. His best-selling book "The Emotion Code" provides step-by-step instructions for working with the body's energy healing power. A newly revised and expanded edition of "The Emotion Code" is now available from St. Martin's Press. For more information and a free Emotion Code Starter Kit, visit www.emotioncodegift.com.