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Everyone is Welcome in New Orleans

In partnership with the New Orleans LGBTQ Hospitality Alliance (NOLHA), New Orleans previously created their “Everyone is Welcome Here” campaign, asking local businesses to take a pledge to actively welcome LGBTQ+ visitors and people of all backgrounds and identities into our community. Participating businesses received rainbow flag stickers to appear in storefronts, showcasing their inclusivity and Southern hospitality to all entering the city. 


New Orleans has become a shining example of what inclusivity should look like because of a commitment to championing freedom and safety for marginalized communities. Everything from New Orleans history to businesses and bars is a testament to the fundamental and lasting impact the queer community has made on New Orleans’ collective culture. 


 The city currently has a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign’s MEI Scorecard, which measures queer inclusivity based on factors such as municipal services, protective laws and LGBTQ leadership. And, fun fact - New Orleans has also been the host destination for Netflix’s popular series “Queer Eye” for the last two years - having recently filmed the latest season this past summer. 


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